First prize winner of the Santander-Yuzz “Jóvenes con Ideas” 2016 programme

Yolanda González, PhD student from the University of Navarra (Nanomedicines and Drug Delivery Group led by María Blanco-Prieto), and member of the young section of the SPLC-CRS, was awarded last October among 1200 projects presented, with the first prize of Santander-Yuzz “Jóvenes con Ideas” programme. 

Her project was based on creating a start-up; NanoCore Biotech, devised to provide encapsulation services to pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agro-alimentary or veterinary industries. To that aim, NanoCore Biotech would develop orally administered lipid nanoparticles that would allow for the resolution of some of the galenic problems associated with several active pharmaceutical ingredients whilst still maximizing their therapeutic potential. In order to achieve all the above aims, high quality raw materials will be employed, as well as an easy, quick and reproducible technology that avoids the use of organic solvents.

It is also important to highlight the versatility of these vehicles. NanoCore Biotech lipid nanoparticles could be used in other fields such as the cosmetic or food industries for the enrichment or the production of functional products.

The research project and Yolanda’s PhD are financed by the AECC (Asociación Española contra el Cáncer).